
Here you can see PLANS available

Pick what’s the best for You and that fits your needs. Of course, every plan can be adjusted so that you will meet expectations for sure. Feel free to contact me if any concern.  

from $499

A simple, mostly one-page website that presents you, your product, an event. All-in-One structure provides necessary information in the simplest and quickest way possible.  

from $799

Most frequently picked one. Has a basics applied and deliver all the information about your business, activity or project. 

We can choose any option from any plan and apply affordable price so each of us would be happy.


We can apply a simple yet really customized and easy to use online store. You will easy  add your products. Set up fast payment methods, make it all work in a smooth way to satisfy your customers. 

This is also an option for smaller projects but customized. Need only some of options offered? Let’s talk and choose what fits for You. 

So what to pick...?

Best way is to simply shoot me a message using contact form & give basic information about: what type of activity, services, products do you want to show online? What are you doing and what type of clients do you have? What type of audience you want to reach? 

Example of BASIC PLAN website

Here you can see a basic age website that suits requirements of many small companies. It doesn't have to be shiny. It has to be efficient, fast and make the work done.
Everything simple and clear, to the point.
For better performance online it's good to have a blog that provides up to date info about your activity or trends in a business.

Example of PRO PLAN website

An example of little bit extended site that beside home page includes product/service site, an about page and contact page with contact form that connects you and your client instantly.
Here we have also a simple store to show and sell your products. Physical or digital.
All that customized for mobile managing that you wont have to sit by the computer to be notified about new orders